Saturday, December 28, 2019

The United States Federal Government - 1238 Words

Introduction The United States Federal Government collects taxes to finance various services to the citizens. According to Rubin 2013, â€Å"Budgeting implies balance between revenues and expenditures, and it requires some kind of decision-making process.† A budget associates responsibilities to these resources, ensuring that money is available to go to war, infrastructure and to help citizens in need. Politicians, as policymakers evaluate key decision-making processes about revenues and expenditures. Resource allocation, fiscal discipline and transparency are supposed to be key factors when making decisions on behalf of the citizens who placed them in office. Many U.S. citizens are misled by politicians who camouflage the budget for their own purposes which leave many citizens uninformed and ignorant as to where and how their money is being spent. The connection between complex and unclear budgets and fiscal excesses is evident when concluding that budgets that lack tr ansparency diminish fiscal discipline. Transparency is an important element of fiscal discipline and resource revenues and allocation. Resource Allocation Analysis It is projected In fiscal year 2015, that the federal government will spend around $3.9 trillion. When measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) it will make up 21 percent of the U.S. economy. According the U.S. Treasury, resource allocation is categorized in three areas: Mandatory Spending, Discretionary Spending and interest paid onShow MoreRelatedThe United States Federal Government942 Words   |  4 PagesThe United States federal government should limit the influx of refugees into the United States. Currently, three different entities oversee the United States Refugee Admissions Program. These entities are the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, which falls under the Department of State, The Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is headed up by the Department of Health and Human Services, and select offices within the Department of Homeland Security. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesRead MoreFederal Government And The United States1498 Words   |  6 Pages Federal Government The United States of America government is called the federal government and is the republic of the fifty states which constitute the United States. It also constitutes the capital districts and several other territories. Now the government is made up of three different branches and they are the Executive, Legislature, and the Judicial. Those powers are all vested by the US constitution which is in the congress, the president, and also the federal court that also includesRead MoreThe United States And The Federal Government1057 Words   |  5 Pagesemploying over one hundred and fifty eight million in the year 2011 were in the workforce based on the United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics a federal agencies reporting to the Office of Personal Management, known as the federal government. The federal government is a perfect snapshot of how four different generations collaborate and work together, supporting and running our federal government. I think about 911 quite often; my company lost eleven victims was in the office at the World TradeRead MoreThe United States Federal Government Essay910 Words   |  4 PagesTo guarantee a partition of forces, the U.S. Federal Government is comprised of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. To guarantee the administration is successful and nationals rights are ensured, every branch has its own particular forces and obligations, incorporating working with alternate branches.(Branches of Government  · n.d.) The legislative branch is comprised of the House and Senate, referred to all in all as the Congress. Among different forces, the legislativeRead MoreThe United States Federal Government1162 Words   |  5 Pagesis the reason why elections entitle an ordinary resident; it allows people to influence the future policies of the government, and people’s future. The United States relies on a complex system of government, where the national government is central but state and local governments utilize control over affairs that are not meant for the federal government. State and local governments have varying degrees of independence in how the organize elections within their jurisdiction, but they hold frequentRead MoreThe United States Federal Government1219 Words   |  5 PagesHow about maybe? In this paper I will outline the problems of the pedagogical approach the United States federal government took in light of the War on Drugs on the wide public education on drug use. I will examine two different articles from Think Progress and The Guardian that argue against the 1986 initiative by Nancy Reagan that became one of the most subtle but destructive aspects about the War on Drugs. She started an country wide program aimed at educating the youth. More specifically onRead MoreRegulation Of The United States Federal Government1827 Words   |  8 Pagesregulation it is important to note that, our government has a huge role in the lives of its citizens it resides over. The United States Federal government has its exercise of sovereignty, in other-words, it has legal and accepted authority to regulate people’s living within a certain geographic area that it has jurisdiction over—and also has regulatory power over, private and public sectors. Here in the United States we have a representative democracy, the government operates as if it is running a serviceRead MoreThe United States Federal Government875 Words   |  4 PagesToday, many Americans are firm believers that the federal government is constantly overreaching and causing citizens to feel harassed and mislead. The idea that the federal government has become overly powerful is exceedingly common throughout the United States. In many cases, the federal government does overstep by inappropriately using the power that they possess. However, there is a fine line between rebelling against the federal government for your own freedom and completely overlooking all ofRead MoreThe United States Federal Government Essay1429 Words   |  6 Pages The quality of life today for most Native Americans is drastically lower than that of the average non-Native American. Why? The United States federal government failed to continue the upward economic trajectory of the Native peoples. The aid and reconciliation Calvin Coolidge desired were not continued successfully. Instead, it is evident that while the Department of the Interior and the Presidential administrations after Coolidge have have had empathy and a desire for the Native Americans’Read MoreThe United States Federal Government1346 Words   |  6 PagesThe United States federal government is composed of three institutions, the Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court. Based on the Constitution of the United States, the federal system, and the separation of power, the three branches exist and each represents the three institutions, the legislative branch is vested by the Congress, the judicial branch is vested by the Supreme Court, and the executive branch is vest ed by the President. The three distinct branches are respectively independent

Friday, December 20, 2019

My Role As An Educator - 1218 Words

The purpose of education is vast and serves many different objectives. Education is meant to cultivate a child’s intelligence, promote their social well-being, and encourage full development. This will be done by promoting learning through group and individual work, managing my classroom, creating a community within the classroom and school, and accepting while also incorporating diversity. My role as an educator will be to seek the involvement of all students within the classroom, consider each student’s opinion and learning styles, and most importantly teach from my heart. I believe that all children can learn and that learning, at an elementary age, should be social. Since learning does not always occur at the same time or in the†¦show more content†¦Each of the students will have confidence in their abilities, respect others, work cooperatively, and will be active in their learning. These goals will be within reach because of the classroom management, instructional strategies, and forms of assessment in the classroom. Students will be involved in making the rules of the classroom so that they know what is expected of them. The forms of instruction will vary in hopes to reach every child’s way of learning. My use of differentiated instruction and small group work will allow students access to many different ways to comprehend a topic, such as learning by doing and learning from their peers. In John Dewey’s work, My Pedagogic Creed, he explains the importance of learning by doing which is also learning from one’s own experiences. The differentiated instruction that I will implement in my classroom will allow the students to learn by doing because they will have many different options within the classroom. John Dewey also mentions the importance of the teacher being engaged in the classroom and with the students. This will allow students to develop social graces with their peers and also be a part of a su pportive learning environment. When students can learn from their own experiences, they are more likely to remember the information. The acceptance and integration of diversity would be of great importance in my classroom. Learning

Thursday, December 12, 2019

History Of Food Consumption Android App - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the History Of Food Consumption App. Answer: Introduction Food consumption is a part of our everyday life. This can be attributed to the fact that eating is a routine thing done by everyone where people have breakfast, lunch and dinner and other meals and snacks in between the three meals. Keeping track of wat we eat in all our meals can be important as it can help us analyze and draw conclusions on what foods we are consuming in excess, what food we are consuming the right and recommended quantities and finally what kind of foods are insufficient in our diets. Information gotten from the analysis done on the history of food we consume can help us make very important life choices in terms of our health and lifestyle and help minimize lifestyle diseases like obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. This document proposes the design and development of an android application that will enable users to keep track of the history of their food consumption. The application will enable users to save their daily consumption on a remote database through the application from which they can retrieve and review their history of food consumption. The data saved by the application will be very useful as it will help users to analyze their food consumption habits and from that, users can make important decisions to help them with their health. The application will also enable users to share the history of their food consumption either through dropbox, email or Google drive. Device capability requirements. The proposed application will run on the android platform so any many devices running on android will be able to run the application. The application will be developed using Android API 21 with a minimum SDK of Android 4.1 up to the latest version of android. For the application to run properly and efficiently, the user will have to have internet on their mobile phones as the phone is running. There is need for internet because, the application will store data in a remote server, and thus a user can retrieve his/her data using any phone with the application. For the performance of the application any phone with a dual core processor and a ram greater than 500MB will be able to run the application without any lagging or hanging. For the data to be stored in a remote database it has to be processed by a web server and then stored in the database. The web server will be running on Apache for it to process PHP as its the language that will be used to process the data gotten from the device before it is stored in the database. The database will run on MySQL to provide a relational structure which I easy to implement and easy to draw data from. Architecture. The architecture of the app comprises of the structured components of the application system that are part of the application system. The proposed application has three components; Mobile client Web client Database Mobile client The mobile client of the application is the application which comprises of the user interface running on the users mobile phone running on the android platform. The mobile client will enable the user to interact with the other components of the application. The mobile client will consist of all the user interfaces which will be designed and developed using JAVA. Web client The web client is the part of the application that is responsible for processing the data gotten from the mobile client or fetching the data from the database and processing it before sending it back to the mobile client. The web client will run on a web server capable of handling PHP scripts. The web client is completely abstracted from the user because it will not run on the users mobile device. Database The database is the component of the application system responsible for storing all the data. The database will be designed and developed using MySQL to come up with a good relational database capable of storing data consistently and with full integrity. The three components of the application system will interact consistently to bring out all the functionalities of the proposed application. The following architecture diagram show the three diagrams and the interaction happening between them. Figure 1: Architecture diagram Use case diagram Figure 2: Use case diagram The diagram above shows the use case diagram for an actor who is a user. The use case shows how the user will interact with the proposed system. Class diagram Figure 3: class diagram The diagram above shows the class diagram and all its components. The class diagram shows all the objects making the application system and how they interact with each other using which parameters. User interface and user interaction The user interface and user interaction will be defined in the mobile client. For the user interface, the application should be design using a consistent design throughout all the activities of the application. Consistent design means that the application should adopt and use colors consistently in all its design. This means that the colors used should not change with every page hence giving the user the feeling that they are not using the same application when they move form activity to activity. The font used should be visible for the user. The background color should be blend in perfectly with the color of the font used. For user interaction, the major aspect to be considered is that the application will run on an android smartphone which will use touch as the primary input. The application should be designed while considering all the aspects of ergonomics. This means that button should not be too small. The application should consider common user interaction events like drawing the menu by swiping from the left. References Booch, G. (1999). The unified modeling language user guide. Google Books. Fowller, M. (1997). UML distilled. Google Books.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Australian Contact Law Contractual Creation

Question: Discuss about theAustralian Contact Lawfor Contractual Creation. Answer: Introduction Within the territories of Australia, contract law encompasses the scope to study and practice the following broad studies: contractual creation, capacity and substance of contract, evasion of contractual liability, recital and annihilation of contract and the cure for violation of contract[1]. Therefore, one can state that any promise rendered between two more parties, through written means comes under the classification of a contract law. In Australia, majorly the contract law is controlled by the common law, however, as time has passed by, various statutes have come into existence which are reflecting and resonating the provisions of the common law of contract[2]. It must be taken into account that the primary source of contract law in Australia comes from the common English Laws, with reflection from chronologically updated judgments in the courts of Australia. The history of change in application of contract law can be best explained through the radical approaches shown by majority of the English lawyers. I would like to quote one of the greatest English lawyers, Sir Frederick Pollock who wrote to Oliver Wendell Holmes in 1877, Laws do not subsist for the technical fulfillment of the legal intellect, but rather for the expediency of the common people who sue and are sued. Now, it can be said that law existing for practical purposes are more definite lacking an explicit code than with one appears to be steep paradox.[3] Termination of a contract can occur when one of the innocent parties claims foul play or violation of the terms of contract by the other party. In such cases, the right to terminate a contract may come into place either through the means of the provisions entered into the contract or by means of operation of law. In case the right to terminate a contract arises through the means of operation of law, the innocent party to contract holds the right to terminate the contract wherein the violation is repudiatory. Body What is Breach of Contract? One of the most important facets of the Australian contract law has become to be the deciding factors prima facie which takes into consideration that a contract has been breached by the one of the parties to contract. It is a phenomenon which provides the power to a contracting agent, the right to discharge himself from a particular contract owing to the allegiance of the other partys intention to breach a contract.[4] Judges in the past have faced immense difficulty in gauging when a breach to contract has taken place; however, after the historical judgment in the case of Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd, the grounds for breach of contract came into clear existence. When Can Breach of Contract Occur? One can take a wide look at the various situations where the breach of contract may occur. The following paragraph will explain these situations as well as take up examples which replicate the situations, thereby explaining to the readers whether termination of contract for breach of condition is important, even if it is a minor one. In the case law of Koompahtoo Local Aboriginal Land Council v Sanpine Pty Ltd, grounds for breach of contract were established under three different manners. Firstly, a party must renounce the contract. This leads to a situation where in one of the parties to contract has restricted itself, intentionally or unintentionally, from following the different functions and deliverables it was entitled to provide to the other party. A simple example of this could be a contract law between a contract laborer and a construction company where the construction company has stopped paying the hourly wages to the laborer. In such a case, the construction company has renounced itself from the obligations of a contract, therefore, terming it into a case of renunciation from contractual law. Other situations where the contract is deemed to be terminated owing to breach of contract could either be a violation of an essential term or a serious violation of a non-essential term in the contract[5]. Termination for Breach of an Essential Term In the position of Australian law, one must notice that a contract can be terminated for the breach of an essential term. Now, one must notice that this essential term need not be a major part to the contract, however, could also represent a minor part to contract; which might lead to major change in the deliverable mentioned in the contact[6]. For instance, the contract could mention the payment of the wage in Australian Dollars; however, in case the manager pays the employee or contractual employee rather in a currency against which the value of Australian Dollars has decreased, it shall be considered a minor violation of the contractual law, should the manager disagree to pay him in Australian Dollars (however, leading to discharge of contract by the innocent party). Under this doctrine, it has been clearly mentioned that wherever in a contract, a term is expressed as a condition; the violation of such a condition leaves the innocent party with a right to terminate the contract, at his own discretion. The existence of such a legal policy clearly establishes the fact that the Australian contract law does not pay heed to whether the degree of breach is major or minor. A mere violation of the condition is deemed to be a violation of the contract; thereby empowering the innocent party to contract a right to terminate the contract altogether at his own will and discretion[7]. The condition herein could be termed as a condition by the relevant applicable statute, by either of the parties themselves, or as a facet of the contract. This position was summarized in Ankar Pty Ltd Arnick Holdings Ltd v National Westminster Finance (Australia) Ltd. Termination for Serious Breach of an Intermediate Term: The Hong Kong Fir Doctrine The Hongkong Fir Doctrine broadened the scope of termination of contract by the innocent party to contract. The issue raised herein was whether charterers under a time charter party had a right to cease the contract, against a breach found in Clause 1 of the charter party agreement. The Doctrine of Hong Kong Fir was responsible for the birth of the deciding factor whether a term was a condition or a warranty. In case it was a condition, the breach of the condition would always lead to the innocent party an upper hand in deciding whether they wanted to terminate the contract or not. By all means of legal provision, it was a terminated contract under such situations, even if the breach was considered to be a minor one. On the other hand, had the term been expressed as a warranty, it would have been impossible for the charterers to terminate the contract given the breach of the seaworthiness term, irrespective of how serious the breach was in the given scenario? Heres where the birth of a third way was given by Diplock LJ, who gave a preferenced judgment to performance of contract over its termination thereby initiating the system of adoption of such categorization. Conclusion The idea that a contract may be terminated for breach of condition is an important one because even a minor breach of such a term will justify termination of the whole contract. It is truly applicable under the Australian contract law, wherein the idea of judgment for assessing the termination of contract is not whether the breach of condition was minor or major. Given the degree of increase of law statutes associated with the contract law, supplemented by the court judgments passed since the late 1900s, it can be safely stated that the Australian contract law has evolved over a long period of law, and is still evolving. References Brownsword, Roger, Retrieving Reasons, Retrieving Rationality? A New Look at the Right to Withdraw for Breach of Contract (1992) 5Journal of Contract Law83 Carter, John W; Tolhurst, GJ and Peden, Elisabeth, Developing the Intermediate Term Concept (2006) 22 Journal of Contract Law 268; ( Carter, John W, Intermediate Terms arrive in Australia and Singapore (2008) 24 Journal of Contract Law226; Clarke, Julie, Australian Contract and Consumer Law (February 9, 2016) Australian Contract Law Gamble, Roger, Australia and the Intermediate Term-No country for old rules, 2008. Swanton, Jane, Discharge of Contracts for Breach" [1981] MelbULawRw 4; (1981) 13(1) Melbourne University Law Review 69 Wan, Alex, Corporation and Contract Law, Thomson Reuters 2015, 154 Wan, Alex, Corporation and Contract Law, Thomson Reuters 2015, 156 Wolfe Howe, Mark De (ed), The Pollock-Holmes Letters (Harvard University Press, 1942) vol 1, 8.