Friday, December 20, 2019

My Role As An Educator - 1218 Words

The purpose of education is vast and serves many different objectives. Education is meant to cultivate a child’s intelligence, promote their social well-being, and encourage full development. This will be done by promoting learning through group and individual work, managing my classroom, creating a community within the classroom and school, and accepting while also incorporating diversity. My role as an educator will be to seek the involvement of all students within the classroom, consider each student’s opinion and learning styles, and most importantly teach from my heart. I believe that all children can learn and that learning, at an elementary age, should be social. Since learning does not always occur at the same time or in the†¦show more content†¦Each of the students will have confidence in their abilities, respect others, work cooperatively, and will be active in their learning. These goals will be within reach because of the classroom management, instructional strategies, and forms of assessment in the classroom. Students will be involved in making the rules of the classroom so that they know what is expected of them. The forms of instruction will vary in hopes to reach every child’s way of learning. My use of differentiated instruction and small group work will allow students access to many different ways to comprehend a topic, such as learning by doing and learning from their peers. In John Dewey’s work, My Pedagogic Creed, he explains the importance of learning by doing which is also learning from one’s own experiences. The differentiated instruction that I will implement in my classroom will allow the students to learn by doing because they will have many different options within the classroom. John Dewey also mentions the importance of the teacher being engaged in the classroom and with the students. This will allow students to develop social graces with their peers and also be a part of a su pportive learning environment. When students can learn from their own experiences, they are more likely to remember the information. The acceptance and integration of diversity would be of great importance in my classroom. Learning

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