Tuesday, February 25, 2020

No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

No topic - Assignment Example The project will be very expensive and international support will be definitely required. Total expenses involving construction, transportation, and installation can surpass $160m. If the greatest auroral storm or the largest solar flare to date hits the Earth on August 01, 2013 and I were to visit New York City that day, I would expect the sky all over to have a deep crimson hue. Everything around me would brighten up in the most brilliant and intense way due to the solar flare. All electrical and wireless systems will fail which will cause a lot of damage worth trillions of dollars. When power systems will shut down, the city will be badly affected as will my personal life. Everyone will have to survive without electricity and power of any kind. It will probably take me a long while to get back home. Our sun is quite common in the universe and is not at all unique. It is basically a ball of plasma of average size. Trillions of other stars of the same size as the sun and even bigger than it are scattered around the universe. Stars also produce their own light, just like the sun produces its own light. This makes the sun very common. However, what makes the sun unique among other stars in the galaxy is the fact that the sun is closer to the earth than any other star in the galaxy. Also, no other star can compete with the temperature of the sun. Light from the sun reaches us within minutes, while light from others stars can take years to reach the earth. Stars compose heavier elements from lighter elements by their fusion during their lives. These elements are then thrown out of stars into space and they form new stars. Humans have these heavier elements within them. Our earth and the remaining universe are also made out of these elements which came from stars. So, we are in a sense made up of star stuff. This means that our origin is related to elements heavier than hydrogen or helium. Those elements responsible for our origin and

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